Monday, November 28, 2011

A Scrap-Tastic Finish

Got my Scrap-Tastic quilt back from the quilter last week.  Yay!

Thanks to the long weekend I was able to spend some quality time with the fam watching movies and working on hand stitching the binding.  Love when I can combine my sewing time with family time.  Makes me feel less guilty about my hobby, ya know?!

My girls were pretty funny, though.  They kept asking when I was going to be done... Like it was a speedy process or something.  At one point the youngest plopped herself right next to me, legs on top of my lap, all the while pulling the blanket closer to her chin the more I'd sew.   

The minute the last stitch was put in my older daughter jumped up from the couch and said "I want to use it!".   She promptly took it back to her spot on the couch and curled up for the rest of the afternoon. 

So here it is in all it's crazy scrappy glory! 
I should've named it "Everything But The Kitchen Sink" because there is seriously every kind of fabric in it--the good, the bad, and the extremely ugly!  Even some squares from a bloggy friend.  (Thanks anonymous friend!)
I love it in all it's craziness!! 

 For the back I chose to use solids.  
There was SOOO much going on on the front that I thought the back needed to be less chaotic.  

Here is a shot of the quilting detail.    
 Not my normal taste for quilting, but for some reason I'm liking it on this one.  Who would've guessed...

Finished measurement 70" by 98"
Block directions from imagingermonkey here and here


  1. I think Scrap-tastic is the perfect name for this quilt. It looks fabulous. The best way to hide the ugly is to cut it up smaller and I think you've done it!

  2. Looks great!
    I've been mulling over what type of scrap quilt I want to try. Nothing definitive yet, but I do like how this turned out.

  3. That's GORGEOUS! I've barely even started my own.

  4. oh my gosh - I love it so much..and the quilting is unreal. Totally not what would even enter my head to have it quilted like, but it works so perfectly.

    Yay!!!! Thanks for showing me - you rock xxx

  5. It's fabulous!! I love scrappy, kitchen sink type quilts. I can see why there would be quarrels over who would get to snuggle under it.

  6. ack! it's absolutely PERFECT!!! your blue and black focus squares stand out just enough to read them without detracting from the scrappy background. what a wonderful full of scrappy goodness quilt. you did awesome!!!

    (now i want to make one...)

    and i totally get the not feeling so guilty when you can merge your family and hobby time. it's a wonderful thing when it works out.

    thanks so much for linking up to finish it up Friday!

  7. Oh my goodness! I love your quilt.
    And how fun to have such excited little
    ones waiting their turn to snuggle up underneath. :0)
    Have a nice weekend.
    Sincerely. Trish

  8. Hi visiting from Katy at Monkey do! Great quilt and the quilting is superb! Well done!

  9. Very cool! That would be a great pattern for Bonnie Hunter's "leaders/enders" technique. And I love how your girls "get involved" with your quilting!

  10. It's great when some ugly fabrics can be used to make part of a beautiful quilt! The quilting looks fab.

  11. It's gorgeous!! I've been wanting to make one of these!

    Jennifer :)

  12. I saw this on's beautiful! I love the quilting and the scrappiness of it all! Awesome!

  13. Terrific quilt! The combination of planned and spontaneous leads to a beautiful finish. Now I want to make one, too, but probably with 2" squares because I have a lot of those.

  14. Impressive! I love the scrappiness, with the design element on the front. The quilting is amazing. Beautiful finish!

  15. Scraptastic is right! I love it...scrappy is right up my alley. Beautiful!

  16. That is 'sew' amazing. I can't believe just how amazing that is. Would love to have you come link-up at Finished it Friday! Have a fabulous weekend! ~Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva

  17. What a spectacular finish! You get total bragging rights for this one.
