Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Swim Team Swimsuit Pattern

I've had this pattern for years.  Kwik Sew 3153


I bought it for the wrap and have never made the suit until just this past week.  And why, you might ask, am I still making swimsuits in October in Minnesota?  Well, it was 84 degrees here the other day, for the entire week.  But my two oldest girls joined the HS swim team (7th thru 12th grade are all combined together) this year and the season doesn't end 'til the end of October.  And when you're in chlorine every day it kind of does a number on your suits. 

This suit is actually for my friend Andrea's 13 yr. old daughter, A., who is also on the swim team.  She likes my suits better than Speedo's.  Thank you, A.!

The pattern indicates to attach the straps straight back, but for swim team you need to never have to worry about your straps slipping off.   So we attached them in the center so they sort of "V" on your back when you're wearing it.

A. looks great in this suit, if I do say so myself. (little smile)   
We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this color of green! 
Glad I have more of it. 

This was pretty straight forward pattern and I really like it.  It also has some potential to do some different looks--I've already been thinking about options with contrasting binding, 2-tone, etc.

The only change I made to this pattern here the first time around is that I did not make it hook in the back as indicated on the pattern.  Swimmers don't want or like that.  Instead I made that top back piece one continuous piece.  I cut it on the fold, lining up the center line to the fold.  It worked out perfectly.

I was worried that the high cut leg version would be TOO high a cut per the pic on the pattern, but for swimmers it is just great.  No changes needed there.

Fully lined suit, definitely needed since the green fabric is a bit thinner than some of the others I use.  But I fully line suits regardless once the girl gets to be about 10 yrs. old.


  1. LOVE it!! I used to be on the swim team and I preferred the thinner straps over the thick ones just for comfort reasons. It looks just like the Nike one I had that cost me $40. And the color is way cuter.

  2. LOVE the color, and LOVE it without the clasp thingy in the back! Way better! Looks like the real thing.

  3. the suit is great!! I would of loved a suit cut like that when I was on swim team.
    If you can find it there is a polyester swim wear fabric that last forever. I had a suit i swam in for 3 years (two a day practices) the thing that finally gave out was the tread on the tushy seam. It's Polyester, PBT (speedo's special blend of spandex/swim suit fabric), and polyester mixed with spandex. I know it's a little more pricey but totally worth it in the long run if swimming becomes a year round sport for the swimmer.

  4. I love your blog - especially about the swimwear. This is my favorite - I paddle canoes in Hawaii and our team colors are green and white - this style suit would be perfect!!!!!!!
