Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Gearing" Up for Hunting Season

Another kid is joining the ranks of hunting this year.  I needed to make another blaze orange hat for the kid so they don't get mistaken for a deer themselves during rifle season.  I bought some orange fleece last year some time with the intention of using it for hunting gear. 

When I was in the mode of making these little fleece hats at the end of the summer I whipped up 2 of these hats also. 

McCalls 9063--out of print. 
One 16" piece of fleece (60 wide) will make 2 hats.

This is an easy pattern to make.
Since it is out of print I'll give you a basic tutorial:
Cut your piece of fleece 16" by 23 1/2" with the stretch going the direction of the 23 1/2" (around the head).

Fold in half lengthwise and sew up the side and across the top.

On right side of the hat, fold the top seam about 3" from edge.

Match the 2 folded edges together and stitch down about 1 inch--a little stitch in the ditch to hold it in place.

This is what the hat will now look like on the inside of the hat.

Take the 2 little end corner flaps, match them up in the center and tack down--sew thru all layers real quick.

This is what the top of the hat on the outside will look like when you complete those two parts.

Fold the hem up inside the cap 4" and either hand stitch or what I do is use the multi-zig-zag stitch to keep it in place while also giving it some stretch.

Then fold up the edge another couple inches and you're done.

This is not a snug fitting cap--there is a bit of bulk on top, but Z. loves this orange hat because it is #1 for hunting and #2 it also happens to be one of our HS colors--go Hawks!

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