Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pirate Costume

Kwik Sew 3804


I made this pattern for my youngest son for Halloween--however, it first has to be displayed at my fabric store for a few weeks and then we'll get it just in the knick of time to wear for the big day.

I think that the coolest thing about this pattern is the hat. 

Mr. C. wore this around A LOT for the couple days I was working on the rest of the costume and before I took it to the fabric store.  He was thrilled and can't wait 'til Halloween.

Hubby has been requested to make a swashbuckling sword to complete the ensemble.  Last one he made for son #1 who was a pirate a number of years ago was lost within the first 5-10 houses of trick-or-treating.  Hope this one will survive the entire evening.

1 comment:

  1. how fun that you get to make all these neat things (for free) and then have them on display for while at the fabric store. He will make a cute pirate and the costume looks mighty cool. MOM
