Monday, September 12, 2011

Let's Dance!

Here's another little project I made "for display" at my fabric store.
Kwik Sew 3887

B. is so happy to have some leotards to use for gymnastics or dance or whatever else she decides.  We don't officially take classes anywhere, but she puts on shows for us in the living room.  She wasn't particularly thrilled to learn; however, they had to go to the fabric store first, especially when cousin S. would be getting hers sent to her and she could use them right away. 
Actually Emily is saving them S.'s b-day in October.


  Love this green print
Showing off...
she loves to rub it in that she is the only one in the family who can do the splits.

--Trivia info compliments of  the Chronology game. 
"In 1859, Jules Leotard, a French wire walker and trapeze artist,
began performing in his one piece, tight fitting garment. 
It came to be known as the leotard." 

So did the unitard get named after his little sister, Eunice?

Sorry, just kidding!


  1. You are like the queen of Spandex! (That's what you should be for Halloween :)

    Amazing work!

  2. Hilarious!
    The "Queen of Spandex" for Halloween.
    I'll have to think about how I could pull that off and what to do.

    Anyone else have any ideas for that costume? Considering the last time I was pregnant I made myself a preggo skeleton costume, I'd be game to try this one out.
