Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2 Swimsuit Revamps

Finally this past week our weather cooperated so we could hit the pool.  That first gorgeously hot day about 7 family friends met there (24 kids) and we had a great time.  However, our friend Charissa did not come dressed to swim.  She told me all her suits were too revealing or uncomfortable for what she wanted to wear.  So later that evening she came over to my house and showed me what she had and we figured out how to restyle 2 of them so that she would feel more comfortable swimming with her kids.

The first suit was just a basic tank--and a little too short waisted for her. 

We first thought about cutting it off and turning it into a tankini top, but we'd still have that short waisted issue.  So instead, I found some white fabric in my stash--and we cut it right across the middle and added a section (I cut a 2 1/2" strip to sew in) to it so that she wouldn't be pulling up and then immediately tugging down all the time.

Had it not had the 2 tone white straps underneath we probably would've added a strip of color--like lime green or something fun like that.  Since there was already white we decided to stick with that theme.



I also gave her a little leopard print wrap skirt (similar, but not exact, to Kwik Sew 3330) to use as a cover up.  It'll look great with this suit--and no one was using it at my house.

The second suit was this cute little striped swim dress--cute Kenneth Cole number shown below.  Not Charissa, but I'm sure she'd take the bod if she could.

But it was cut too low for her "bubbies" as she put it, and then she also wanted it slightly longer to cover up the other little problem areas that most of us over a certain age and post babies have.  So we found some hot pink from my stash and added a piece up top and then a little flounce skirt. 

I topstitched the insert piece in place right over the original stitching.

I used the flounce pattern from Kwik Sew 3330 for the addition to her hem.  I attached this to the original seam and hemmed the bottom of the flounce with a twin needle.  Charissa is thrilled and we are both happy with how it turned out.


  1. Great revamps! I aspire to be able to do that.

  2. You'd never know those were revamped had you saw them at the pool. Nice work as always.
