Sunday, June 19, 2011


Well, here comes the finished results of our flooring project.

But first below is the mess in the LR we had to deal with for a few days.  Nothing like having your fridge right there in the middle of your LR along with every other piece of furniture, etc. from the kitchen and dining.  Oh...and still have your MIL in town for a good number of those hours too.

 Hubby unpacking the flooring and getting ready to lay it all out.

 Getting there,

 and completely put in--before trim replaced.

This new flooring makes me so VERY happy!
And the wide open space is also a HUGE improvement.

Next on the kitchen to-do list, but not until kids go back to school in the Fall (because then I will be FREE every day for at least half the day), is to knock out the soffit and move the bank of cabinets up higher along the fridge wall.  We (I mean hubby) will also be building some different cabinets to adjust some other things.  I hope most of this can get done before hunting season, otherwise, it won't be touched 'til the first of next year.


  1. The flooring looks beautiful!

  2. It looks so good! Now you just need a Swiffer vacuum if you don't have one and you'll really think you've died and gone to heaven.
