Monday, May 2, 2011

Rainbow Winner(s)

I decided to give TWO rainbow stacks away...

So, the first one goes to comment #4 which is Brittney
and the second goes to comment #13 Chrystal.  
You both should have your emails...

rainbow of solids
colorful crayon wrappers
Thank you to all who entered.  I had a pretty good weekend.  My mood has definitely lightened a bit.  I was able to clean up my sewing room (you can see the floor!), finish a graduation quilt for our niece, watch the royal wedding, and get a much needed nap!  Today the sun is shining and it's supposed to be in the upper 60's.  May just might be happy after all!

In other good news, I finally took my string quilt to my quilter.  You have no idea how happy it will make me to have it DONE!!  Pictures will be coming soon...


  1. Oh my goodness!! I am so excited! Thank you so much:) I can't wait to get creating.

  2. Opened my mailbox today and there was my package! I can't believe how quickly you mailed that out:) Thank you again, this made my week!! I took a picture and shared a link to your blog on my blog's Facebook page:
