Wednesday, December 15, 2010

WIP Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Boy, oh boy...Christmas is fast approaching and I am trying my darnedest to get everything done in time.  I'm not usually this productive, but I would really like to start the new year out with as few unfinished projects as possible.  Anyone else trying to hustle their way through lots of projects?

WIP list:
Busy Town Quilt: quilted, working on the binding...
No new progress on anything else

The Aloha Quilt and Pinwheel Sampler.

A Fair and Square Quilt for Margaret's Hope Chest using up the extras from the Busy Town quilt above.  This one has to be done and mailed by Jan. 5th! Go read about their Wrapped in Hope Program and consider helping out with their 2011 list.  It'll make you feel good!  Promise.

This Week's Progress:
Finished: 2
Started: 1
Current Projects: 5


  1. I adore your Busytown quilt! My toddler's enamored with Busytown too, and I love how your quilt just totally evokes the beauty of the artwork of Busytown. And yes, I think we're all scrambling trying to finish off projects for the holidays! :) Happy WiP Wednesday!

  2. Great pattern to use up those scraps and Kudos for donating to MHC.

  3. Anyone else trying to hustle their way through lots of projects? Try EVERYONE else! Including me! : )

    Great job on the quilt for Margaret's Hope Chest. I'm sure somebody will really love that one.

    Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday! See you next time!

  4. Love your busytown quilt, it is eyecatching in its simplicity.
