Wednesday, December 8, 2010

WIP Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

1. Pinwheel Sampler:  Got it back from the quilter, the binding is on and ready for some hand stitching.  Full reveal next week.

2. Star Wars:  Started working on the blocks (think this quilt), got about 2/3 of the way finished.   It might end up being a bday gift (in April) rather than a Christmas gift.  Oh, well...

3. String Quilt:  Did nothing on it this week but stare at it on my design wall.  I still really, really love it.  Any suggestions as to what I could possibly use for the back??

4. Busy Town:  Basted, but not quilted yet.  (It's slowly making it's way up the quilt ladder!)  Should be ready in time for Christmas.

5. Aloha Quilt:  Done!!! Will be revealed in a few days.  But here is a small peek.

Finished Projects: 1
Current WIP's: 4
New projects: 0 


  1. I love what I can see. It seems so many people are scared of white. I'm delighted to see white!!

  2. Can't wait for the reveals.

  3. Looks like you've made a lot of progress this week. Can't wait to see these when they are finished!

  4. LOVE that top quilt (what i can see of it). The colors are great!

  5. I love the color choice for the pinwheel sampler!

  6. The pinwheel sampler looks fabulous. Love the color of the sashing! I can't wait to see the rest of it.

    Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday - have a productive week!

  7. Wow, you got alot done! The pinwheels are cool, can't wait to see the whole project.
