Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blogger's Quilt Festival Fall 2010

This is my most recent finish: A quilt for my 8yr old daughter that will be given to her for Christmas.  It is made with Heather Ross' Mendocino Line (and a few other prints thrown in for good measure).

 It's a simple design, with simple quilting, but I love that it really shows off the fabrics. 
We are big-time snugglers when it comes to TV and movies, so this will be super soft and cozy for my daughter to curl up in. 

I love to whip up mini versions of the kids quilts I make so the recipient can wrap up a favorite doll or stuffed animal in a "matching" quilt.  It's also a great way for me to use up the small odd sized/shaped scraps that accumulate after a project is finished.  I enjoy the challenge!  Here is my daughter's mini next to it's full size version .  It measures 15" by 19".
For me the process of quilting is about  a)creating something beautiful  b)giving a piece of myself to someone I love  c)learning new things and  d)preserving a place/time/event in life.  I enjoy every aspect of the process.

You can read more about this quilt Here.
Check out the rest of the beautiful Quilt Festival entries Here or on Flickr.


  1. Beautiful quilt! I love the Mendocino line. Someone is going to be very happy on Christmas!

  2. I really like this one too. I LOVE the mini. I'm sure your daughter does too.

  3. What a great idea to do the mini too! I bet both quilts go off to college someday with your daughter!

  4. Very pretty. I have always adored Mendocino.

  5. very pretty ... I like the matching mini quilt idea ... thanks for sharing both!

  6. I love this pattern and I really want to try it soon. Your colors are really calm and soothing - just perfect for a snuggly quilt!

  7. Really cool quilt. LOVE the mini one!!! So cute.

  8. the colors of this quilt are so appealing. what a beautiful finish!
