Friday, September 3, 2010

A Quilt Story

Today one of my quilts is being featured over at Quilt Story. (Thanks Heather and Megan!) While you are there spend some time browsing through all the wonderful stories. Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry.

For those visiting us for the first time, welcome, and thanks for browsing through our little corner of blog world!


  1. Thanks for our shout out! We're excited to be featuring you today!

  2. I've just seen it over there, it looks amazing! I'd love to make one like it. It's hard to make a secret quilt for someone you live with ;)

  3. hi Emily--I saw your comment on my blog--Margaret's Hope Chest--I edited the post to add a suggested size--40X60 but the kids are ages 4-17 so any size is needed--thanks!!
