Monday, September 20, 2010

Pink and Orange Party

I recently finished some crib quilts for my two girls.

M's quilt (more orange)
I've been liking her version more for some reason

a little technical info
Each quilt is made from twelve 4" strips with 1" white in between.
Finished quilt measures 41 x 56.5 inches

L's Quilt (more pink)

I won't deny that I motivate L to attach herself to this. You know, because I made it. I say things like, "Don't you want your pink quilt?", "Let's go get your pink quilt" or "Here's your pink quilt". She has a favorite blankie (it made an appearance here and here), but I'm hoping over time mine will become the fave.

I pretty much love how the quilting looks on the back. So clean. And subtle.

Detail view of the binding and back fabric on both quilts.

More quilting details

By far the easiest quilts I've made. I love this layout.

I'll leave you with Miss cutie patootie.


  1. Such a great quilt design, it really shows the beautiful prints off! I am sure the pink quilt will be a favourite :)

  2. That's hilarious, Les! I would do the same thing...

  3. Such a clean and simple layout and the colors are beautiful! I do that too, suggesting my favorite quilt for their favorite quilt. Ha ha! I just love seeing them snuggle up under something I made with my own hands. These are lovely!
    Christene from

  4. I like the quilts very much! Simple and stunning.

  5. Really pretty--I love basic and easy to make but still oh so lovely to look at.

  6. I kind of like the orange one better two, what a great design! I always see the stipple style quilting and know I'm nowhere that talented, so it's nice to see that stitch in the ditch can do the trick just as nicely!
