Monday, April 12, 2010

Vintage Sheets and a Giveaway

I'm participating in the Vintage Sheet Swap next month on flickr, so I spent the weekend cutting up my sheets. Here is my stack ready to be mailed out...

I tried to find a variety of prints. Hopefully they are appealing to the masses.

I decided this sheet shall remain whole. I plan on using it for the back of my yet-to-be-made vintage sheet quilt. Isn't it pretty?! It looks old and delicate to me. Kind of reminds me of my two 90 year old Grandmas.

I am finding some beautiful inspirations for a quilt--like this one, and this, and this. So many possibilities. I'm getting excited!

In honor of the Vintage Sheet Swap, I am giving away two remnant stacks of vintage sheets left over from all my cutting.

Some of the pieces are smaller, but most are almost fat quarter size. They'd be great for quilting or other small projects.

To enter, leave a comment telling me about any vintage treasures you collect. If you don't collect, that's fine too, just say so. I'll pick two winners on Thursday.


  1. I am participating in the sheet swap for the first time so it is great to see other sheets getting sent in. I am planning on making a quilt at well.

  2. Great giveaway! Beautiful fabrics! Please count me in! I have a tablecloth, crocheted by my mother about 50 years ago.

  3. oh ~ I would love to win this!! I have a hard time finding vintage sheets here(at any price)although I have managed to track down 3 (not nearly as lovely as yours...)and a pillowcase which I used for this

    I don't really collect anything ('cept kids :-) as I have a tiny house & no room for collections, nor time to dust any collections...

    thanks a bunch!!!

  4. Those are beautiful! I don't know that I would go so far as to consider myself a "collector" of vintage things, but I do love vintage tins and vases. And, of course, vintage fabric. :)

  5. My mother inlaw has some of the coolest vintage fabric she lets me go through every once and a while. I made a very cool shirt from vintage gigam (black and white) it put up some challenges but it was amazing!! Vintage fabric is so fun.

  6. you found some good ones! Clever photos, by the way.:)

  7. I love all things vintage, but my one vintage collection is aprons! (Although I have been looking at some of the lovely vintage sheet quilts and I really want to make one now!!)

  8. Thanks for the chance to win; I'd love to make a vintage-sheet quilt someday, too. I love vintage fabric, and collect tablecloths, dishcloths, and aprons, all in daily use.

  9. those are lovelY! i've started to collect vintage linens, but mostly i focus on clothing patterns- especially childrens'. i love anything old...

  10. Thanks. I don't collect anything vintage. But I have a plan to start collecting tea cups and saucers. I like the idea of having a mismatched collection of fine china pieces.

  11. I would love to win. I only have one vintage sheet and when ever i go to the thrift stores i cant find them. would love to win yours. my fave is the white background and the white flowers.

  12. I'm not a vintage anything collector, but I've admired the vintage sheet swaps for some time. I've just never been able to participate because the thrift stores near me are mostly clothes-only. No fair! I want to play, too!

  13. I collect pillowcases although I did find two vintage sheets this winter that I am itching to make something out of. :)

  14. Sorry I really don't collect anything vintage. But I do collect Wizard of Oz memorabilia. Does that count?
    Thanks for the chance :o)

  15. I don't collect anything vintage except for an occasional vintage pyrex. I have been loving all these lovely vintage sheets I've been seeing around though.

  16. I am excited to be a part of that swap as well, these are beautiful sheets and I can't wait to see what you come up with them!

  17. What a cool idea. I never thought about collecting vintage sheets. Maybe I just never saw them at the antique shop. I love the fabrics! I love vintage pillowcases. I never cut them up. I wash, dry and iron them and put my pillows in them! Sweetest Dreams!

  18. sadly, I don't collect anything vintage. :(
    I do like collecting vintage style jewelry, though!

  19. I collect vintage fabric... and sewing notions... and patterns... and turtle figurines...

  20. I don't colllect anything vintage, but when my Grandma was having a yard sale I took all of her old fabric. So far I have made a couple of dresses for my daughter with it.

  21. I love the beautiful laces and pitchers. I only have one or two right now. I just started collecting. I have become smitten by the vintage sheets. They are so pretty. I would love to make something with them!

  22. Love this giveaway! Absolutely great!!

    I have collected vintage feedsacks that are being made into a traditional Grandmother's Flower Garden (yes, all hand-stitched). I also love vintage buttons, and have some dishes from my grandma, great-aunt, great-grandma, and further back that have been passed down. Such treasures! I may be only a 20-something, but I love vintage and the stories behind them all!

  23. I also love vintage linens, but don't find many where I live...would love to win the remnants! so cute!

  24. I don't have a collection, but I have a quilt from my great-great grandmother that is a Carolina Lily and it is in such good shape. I just love it.

  25. I don't have a collection but have always been fascinated with antique furniture and pictures.

  26. I'm not entering, I just wanted to say nice giveaway - I just blogged about it. :-)

  27. Cobalt depression glass. That's one thing I collect although it's a small collection. There is something about that cobalt blue that pulls me in.
    Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway.

  28. I collect quirky things -- no real pattern there! I have random signs, crazy figurines, and anything that makes me smile. My mom and I also collect milk glass. One day I'm going to have a bright aqua room with shelves full of milk glass all over the walls.

    Thanks for the chance to enter!

  29. I don't have a collection of anything vintage *now*, sadly. Mind, by the time I get to some of them my cross-stitch collection will have earned that designation...

  30. These are lovely sheets.
    All our vintage sheets are heavy white cotton - delightful to sleep on but not so pretty.

    I don't have the room to actively collect but we are great pack rats.

    My mother still uses my grandmother's wedding dinner service and I have some beautiful water glasses that belonged to my grandmother's parents.
    I also inherited My grandmother's collection of Agatha Christie books. Most are mass market paperbacks from the 1960s so they are crumbling as we speak!

  31. Ohh, so lovely. Im very excited.
    I collect vinatge hankies, doilies, and most recently vinatge fabrics.

    I have a vinatge swap too on my blog.

  32. What a great giveaway! I have been saving vintage sheets to make a soft quilt. They are getting harder and harder to find in our area. I'd love to be entered and thanks for such a sweet giveaway.

  33. Your stack looks beautiful, all ready like that!

    I'd love to add these to my very small stash of vintage sheets. One day I'll have enough to make something. :-)

  34. yes, please! i've got some vintage sheet project kicking around in my head. i'd love to have some more vintage to play around with. thanks for the giveaway!

  35. I'm not much of a collector but I do pick up vinyl records at garage sales when I see good ones. So I guess I do collect something vintage. Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. I can always use more vintage sheets! Thank you!

  37. Oooo, I'd love to win!. I have a few vintage pillow cases. I love to buy old pottery and corning ware or other display pieces. Thanks for offering such a gracious giveaway!

  38. The only thing I collect is anything to do with winter I love snow flakes.

  39. I collect ideas:) My evernote account is STUFFED with great things I could do and make! Love the sheets, oh, so many cute things I could make!

  40. thanks for a chance at your vintage sheets. i collect any kinds of vintage fabrics...I love trying to encorporate them into quilts with my more modern collection of fabrics (which also seems to be developing into quilt an obsession!) to date I have no vintage sheets, would love to get the ball rolling with your giveaway!!
