Friday, April 30, 2010

Finished Blocks and a Broken Machine

I had to play a little catch-up with my quilt along blocks. I really should try and keep up. It is a lot less work!

I've got my layout all set and ready for sashing. It is turning into a very cheery quilt. Lots of bold, bright colors.

After posting about sashing this week, Rachel challenged us to get our tops sashed, quilted, and bound in two weeks. I was all prepared to take up the challenge until the auto threader on my machine busted this week. When my husband took it in for repairs he was told that it might be unfixable. What?! Evidently that mechanism on my Brother SE-270D wasn't made to last more that 4-5 years. Why you'd make a machine that doesn't last is beyond me. Now I'm wondering how I can come up with the BIG money I need for a real quilting machine.

It may sound dumb, but I think I'm going through the stages of grief over my broken machine. Yesterday I was still in denial, today I'm just ticked. As you can imagine not having a sewing machine is a big deal for me. I sew EVERY day. Thankfully my trusty 15 year old Kenmore I got when I got married is still going strong. I can piece like no other on it and not worry about it breaking. But, it doesn't quilt.

In the meantime...Maybe I can sell a kidney to earn some extra cash.


  1. I use to sell brother machines, and know the model you have too. The threader is a common thing to break unfortunately, the thing that really gets me is how quickly that machine would go down. Some of the other brothers I worked with never had a problem. I wish they would put the same amount of work into ever machine, so they would all last.

  2. It will probably take two kidneys to have enough.

    I'm totally laughing over your stages of grief.

  3. So sorry. If I lived closer you could borrow one of mine.
