Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Fun Facts: Our Favorite Mags


I'm a full blown magazine junkie. Here's a list of what I get each month. (the ones I can think of anyway)

Pottery Barn
Pottery Barn Kids
Pottery Barn Teen
West Elm
Crate and Barrel
Mini Boden
Body and Soul
Marie Claire

My magazine rack:


The only two magazines that I get right now are Runner's World and Country Living. I used to get a few more, but realized they weren't doing it for me anymore. If my dreams ever became my reality it would be a cross between these two magazines. I'd be able to do daily long runs, be fast, and have a body like the cover model, all the while coming home to a house that looked like the ones featured in Country Living. Right now I'd settle for any daily run and a clean house! :)


I must be a closet gossip--because I love People magazine--a.k.a. the "smut" magazine around our house. However, I don't buy it. My friend Cindy passes her back issues along when she is done reading. So does that make Cindy my enabler??! Anyway....

I've recently let my Family Fun subscription lapse after having that for years and years. I figure my kids are getting big enough now and I have enough back issues that I can find stuff for us to do, if need be, without too much difficulty. (However, their website STINKS! in my opinion).

I just started receiving Better Homes and Gardens again. I think I wanted it again because we are trying to redo some things in our own home and I'm open to ideas. I like the variety in their magazine--food, garden, home dec., etc.

But probably the one I find most useful and motivating at our house is The Family Handyman. This magazine walks you thru lots of DIY projects, which is right up our alley. These have real projects, not so many "outta-my-price-range-and-we'll-never-be-able-to-do-that-in-our-small-home" ideas (i.e. This Old House over budget by $50k projects). We also LOVE the Great Goof stories at the end of the magazine!

Tell us what magazines you can't live without!


  1. Is it shallow to say Entertainment Weekly?

  2. Ottobre!! I get Mother Earth too, but I stalk the mailman for Ottobre.

  3. LOVE the new Food Network magazine!!!!!!! And I recently starting getting Everyday Food again and am loving that, too.


  4. I would have to go with sewing magazines. Sew Beautiful magazine and Australian Smocking and Embroidery. Love the heirloom and baby stuff!
