Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Now you see it.... you don't.

This little half wall was located between our kitchen and dining room. It used to have wooden slats attached to it going up to the ceiling to make it feel more like a "wall" without actually being one. Those slats got removed a couple of years ago and since then we've been talking about removing the half wall--and then ultimately the remainder of the wall as we do some remodeling in the kitchen.
Mr. C and I had a fun time taking it all down. He told me more than once, "This is so cool!" Every 4 yr. old boy should get the opportunity to do some demolition. He loved pounding with his little hammer and playing with the hole that was revealed once we got things off.
I hadn't told Hubby that I was going to do this on this particular day. I just decided in the afternoon and started. His reaction was what I thought it would be...exact words, "Oh Crap!" Good thing he does love me.

But he was great, really wasn't upset, and completed the section when he got home and filled in the hole that gave us "access" down to the laundry room. And then later that night admitted, "We should have done this a long time ago." (Don't you just love those "I told you so moments"? Savor those when they happen.)
I can't tell you how happy removing just this much has made me feel. This little bit has made the kitchen feel so much bigger (and it didn't hurt that the dog kennel for our chocolate lab got moved outta there too.)


  1. Oh man, I can tell that that is giving you TONS more room! Why do men resist our Fabulous ideas?!

  2. Love, Love, Love! It's crazy how just the little things make a huge difference. What fun! Tiffany

  3. You are brave. When Sam and I want to do something we talk about it a lot and then talk some more until we both feel we can do it. I like your attitude. It is always nice to have more space.

  4. Looks great! I love it when a remodel goes well and actually will get done.
