Monday, January 18, 2010

Quilting Variations

I have been trying out different quilting options on some of my little quilts before doing it on any larger ones. I don't know about you, but I'm not real comfortable with free-motion quilting. (It may be me; it may be my machine.) However, I do like the idea of using what options are available on my machine.

So here are 2 different stitches that I've used on little quilts to see what kind of effect they make. Both stitches are actually stitches used for working with stretch fabrics, but they also make nice little decorative stitches on woven fabrics.

The first is this stitch--Multi-stitch Zigzag or Triple Zigzag

The second stitch was this one--Honeycomb

For sure if you are going to use the honeycomb stitch make a sample first to see if you like the look, because even on a short length this stitch is a B.E.A.S.T. to pick out!

I specifically used a contrasting thread on this quilt because I wanted to see how it would turn out. You can't really see it on the black squares or on the back. If I had thought about it more I might have used an orange/yellow thread that matched so that it would show up on all the squares. Regardless, I do like how it turned out on this little quilt.

I debated on whether or not to used this stitch to secure the binding, but decided that wasn't really where I wanted the focus. I'll have to do a little sample of it sometime to see what I think, but for this time I just machine topstitched it down.


Finished size: 41" square

Cut 6" blocks

Cut 2" sashing strips for between the squares

Cut 3" sashing strips for outer border edge


  1. this looks like a fun way to use all those decorative stitches i have on my sewing machine

  2. This will show how ignorant I am in the quilting department, but why do you talented ladies always put a strip of some other fabric on the back of the quilt?

  3. Just to change things up (like a 2 sided quilt of sorts)--or if you don't have enough of one piece that you want to use you add something else to get it the right size. Which is what happened with the black back on the 2nd quilt.

    Go check out Tiff's Christmas post and see the quilts that she did. She has some cool variations on the backing too.

  4. I noticed on the front cover of Pottery Barn they use the Multi stitch zigzag on their vintage looking quilts. I really like the look. Tiffany

  5. very cool. so many options and it really changes things.

  6. So funny...I was looking through my sewing machine manual last night looking for stitches to use. I have used a wavey type stitch before which looks good. I just play around with the stitch lenght and width first.

  7. The honeycomb stitch -- oh so cute!! Just out of curiosity, what machine do you have? Or what is your fav. machine? I'm still trying to settle on my "queen machine" . . a replacement of sorts for my last one that was a sacrifice to Egypt.

  8. good job! i like to use both my machine stitches and free motion in the same quilt--I encourage you to try it; it's like coloring! Tips: sitting on one cheek and sticking your tongue out ;) Also, ditch the "rule" of never intersecting--who made that rule anyway!
