Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Would that be 66 days late or 299 days early?

After starting it a mere 426 days ago my Halloween Quilt is now finished! Never mind that Halloween was 66 days ago. I'd like to think that I'm 299 days early for 2010.

I used yellow thread for my quilting. That was a pretty bold step for me. It looks really great in the places where my quilting looks good, but it also shows all the flaws in places where my quilting is less than stellar.

Now that it's washed, the flaws are less noticeable. Even with visible flaws I'm pleased I chose boldness over safe.

I LOVE the purple binding!! It goes perfectly with the backing.

FYI: I used my old standby six inch squares for this quilt.

If you care, you can read more about this quilt in my original post, found here.


  1. Definately early :) It looks really great, I love love love the yellow quilting thread!

  2. I would love to be able to quilt like that! It is beautiful!

  3. I love the arrangement of your blocks!! And that backing is so cute! I'm still in the "stitch in the ditch" quilting phase and haven't even attempted free motion on a large project, but hopefully one day!

  4. you are so on top of things. That is really early to be getting/thinking about halloween :)

  5. Obviously you are 299 early! What a great quilt!

  6. great quilt!! i started a halloween quilt in mid 2008... i'll finish it one day!
