Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Graduation {turned} Alumni Quilt

This quilt has been a LONG time coming. Twelve years ago when my husband graduated from college I had tons of ambition and minimal quilting knowledge. But, I decided that my husband needed a quilt to celebrate his graduation! I designed a quilt, bought and sewed the fabrics and then put it away to finish after we got "settled" into real life. The more I learned about quilting the more I realized that my original idea was NOT going to work AT ALL. (It was basically a huge applique quilt with iron on lettering.) Plus, in all my graduation excitement I was making it to fit on our queen-size bed! (The thought of that still makes me laugh!)

My husband has known that I have this unfinished quilt but he hasn't ever seen it. He wants to be surprised when it's done. At least once a year for the past 12 years he has asked when he's going to get his Aggie Quilt. I just laugh and say "Someday..." Now that I've been making quilts for others this year he's really turning up the heat by asking "Are you ever going to finish MY quilt?" I just smile sweetly and say "Yes, dear! It's on my list."

Since my original idea was no good (and ugly), I've had to come up with a new design. When I came across this quilt I knew I needed to copy it for my husband. It is so fantastic!!

I've been trying my best to get this done without my husband knowing a thing. I've had to sew during the day and then make sure its all put away before he gets home from work.

I have to admit that I had to do some reworking of the rows so the colors wouldn't line up. It was kind of a pain and took some time, but I knew I wouldn't be happy with it unless it looked just so. Now that it's all put together I can see more places that I should've reworked, but it's staying put!

I had plans of getting the whole thing finished in time for Christmas, but life got in the way. I gave him the unfinished top instead (I know, kind of lame...) but he was REALLY surprised and excited none the less. Now I can quilt it without feeling pressured and stressed!

The details:This is the Plain Spoken pattern from the book The Modern Quilt Workshop.
I used 10 different colored fabrics in blues, greys, and white.

EDITED: The finished quilt can be seen HERE.


  1. Oh my, very very wonderful! *sigh* next month, i'll have a machine. it was D.O.A. on arrival from Egypt, so i'm needing a new one.

  2. I think it looks great. I can't wait to see the final completed project.

  3. So funny! I still have the fabric for Jer's quilt that we bought at the same time. I was just thinking about that the other day. I remember I was going to iron on shapes of fish. This one is much nicer!! :)

  4. Em--just wanted to let you know that our friend Kevin talked to me at the Primary activity this morning and let me know that he loves this quilt. His wife has already reserved the book that you got this pattern from and he is excited about making one for them.

    His exact words: "I'm lovin' that quilt your sister put on your blog."
