Monday, October 26, 2009

Library Book Storage Box

We love our local library here at home. We probably go at least every week or two to get new books, movies, or attend story time. However, with 5 kids, even if I limit them to only 4-5 books apiece we still end up with lots of books floating around our home. And really, they have a hard time limiting themselves to just a couple books. I'm not sure I want to limit them either--after all, we're talking about them being excited about books and reading.

Anyway, I used to have a basket sitting under one of my lamp tables in my living room to store all the books in one place. It has worked out really well, until recently when the basket has been so used and abused it is literally falling apart in front of us. I've tried to find another basket that I like and figured what I really needed was something more substantial since it will get so much abuse.

Years ago I saved this project sheet for some stacking totes (scroll to pg. 151 if viewing it online) out of the Reader's Digest magazine, Feb. '06, pg. 213. The pattern actually comes from the Reader's Digest Complete Do-It-Yourself Manual, check with your local library too--mine had some copies of this book.

I asked my favorite hubby if he could come up with a similar box--complete with handles and rolling casters so that we could have a new book box. Luckily in HIS shop he had some scrap wood that worked out just great for this project. He put it all together for me and then we attached the casters and I spray painted it to protect it somewhat.

It holds more books than the previous basket and I won't have to worry about it falling apart. The finished box measures 11" H x 15" W x 18" L, not including the height of the casters. Here's to reading!


  1. That's nice. I really like that!!

    You could use that for anything really. I would put some of my sewing do dads in it! :0)

  2. I have that Reader's Digest book. It's a great treasure trove for everything. I suggest buying it! Though I did get it as a freebie for some book club something-or-other!

  3. Cool! Don't you just love husbands who are handy?

  4. Oh, love this idea. I need several of these to fit my magazines that come every month. More sturdy than baskets. Tiffany
