Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ottoman recover

Hubby found this ottoman and a little loveseat sitting out at the curb in our neighborhood with a FREE sign on them and thought I would like them both.

On the ottoman I was going to remove the old leather/vinyl cover and redo it with denim or muslin before making the removable/washable slipcover, but once I got into it I realized that there was straw or something like that under it all and so I ultimately had to leave the wrecked vinyl and just make the slipcover to put over top of that.
Sometimes the fabric dictates what you will do with your project. I bought this remant piece and probably would have thought about making a slightly longer skirt, but there wasn't enough of it and I wanted this piece. Also, had I had more fabric I would've FOR SURE done the piping fabric on the bias (it looks and lays so much nicer), but alas, I couldn't do it with limited amount of fabric.

Our cousin, Tiffany, suggested doing a monogram on the ottoman and I really like it. Gotta love it when I can put my embroidery machine to good use.

This picture above shows more the true color of this fabric--very lime green, but I love it. Hubby's comment about the ottoman--since he is the one who found it--"That looks nice, although that's an interesting color fabric". Leave it to the men in our lives to either keep it real, or not get it at all.

Stay tuned for the loveseat transformation hopefully within the next couple of weeks (O.K. let's realistically say, before Christmas). The weather has turned cool here and I am motivated to finish the living room projects, 1 hide-a-bed, a loveseat, paint, and some different accessories.


  1. this looks beautiful!! i love the color

  2. Wow! I love the color, too! And the monogram is AWESOME!

  3. Wow. I love the legs on that ottoman. And that happy color. Nice work!

  4. Wow! Those kind of finds are so awesome!

  5. Monograms make everything look classier & more expensive. Do you have a jumbo hoop? Mine could never get this big.

  6. Love, love, love! That turned out great! The "K" is perfect! I love the color, it's very happy! Tiffany

  7. Beautiful! I found your post google searching for ottoman slipcovers, because I'm about to tackle one myself. I've been looking for a monogram font like the one you used on your ottoman, do you mind me asking where you found it?
    Thanks so much!!


    The above is the link to the letter font that I used for the monogram.

    Cute Embroidery website
    Carnival Font

    I only used the letter and did not do the rest of the embellishment.

    The square around the letter is off my own machine and the program it came with.
