Monday, August 10, 2009

Recycle Redecorating

We repainted our house over Memorial Weekend after a much too long time period. However, we didn't have a lot of extra money to upgrade some of the things that I would've liked. So one of the things I recycled was the front porch light.

Old house view above--glad to be rid of the yuck brown.
We had actually bought some carriage light fixtures a number of years ago to replace the ones on the house. They've been in the garage all this time. When we brought them out we found out that they would not fit on the house due to the placement of the junction boxes. They are a little too close to the overhangs. Bummer!! I ended up putting those on Craig's List and sold them.

Old, rusty looking light fixture
So, instead of buying another new one I just took our old one and spray painted it to match the new shutters on the house. I used Rust-oleum in midnight blue.

I had to tape up the entire glass portion on all sides before painting and put a bunch of newspaper inside the fixture to keep paint out. If you happen to get any overspray inside on the glass it cleans up really slick. I just used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser--came right off.
I am pleased with how it turned out--and for not much money at all. I also used the same spray paint for our house numbers--same old ones we had on the house before, just now a nice new color.


  1. wow...nice makeover. And I can't believe Mr. Clean took off paint

  2. Wow, what a save! Plus it saved you money too, love that.
