Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cowboy Salsa

I was introduced to this salsa by my cousin Tricia on the 4th of July. I could've eaten an entire bowl full of the stuff all by myself. Instead I just embarrassed myself by going back for a second helping, then a third, and a fourth...before the chips finally ran out! Good stuff, I tell you!! And it must be sorta healthy since the only "bad" ingredient is Italian Dressing. (Never mind the bag of chips you eat along with it!)


Cowboy Salsa

1 can Black Beans, rinsed & drained
2 cans Whole Kernel Corn, drained
2-3 Tomatoes, chopped
2 large Avocados, chopped
1/2 a Red Onion, diced
1 c. Cilantro, chopped
1 pkg. Good Seasons Italian Dressing Mix

Prepare Italian Dressing as instructed on package. Set aside. Combine remaining ingredients in large mixing bowl. Pour dressing over top and gently stir until mixed through. Chill and serve with tortilla chips or as a salad.

There's also a version of this recipe that adds: (I added these to mine!)
1 t. Season Salt
1 t. Garlic Powder
the juice from one lime (about 2-3 T.)
1 can Green Chilies


  1. i love cowboy salsa! i've been meaning to ask tricia about it since Thanksgiving!!!

  2. Dude!!!! mom told me you made this for them and I was so jealous. Yum.

  3. In my family, we call this recipe "Texas Caviar." Regardless of its name, it's super good and a New Year's tradition.

  4. This looks yummy, gonna try it!

  5. sounded delicious so I headed off to the store - two days later it is ALL GONE! I'd say it was a big hit! Thanks for sharing!
