Monday, May 4, 2009

Preserving Kids Handprints and Handwriting

I have had this project on my mind since I came across RubyEllen's idea for her Mother's Day gift last year. I'd been on the hunt for a way to preserve my children's hand prints for some time.

Her idea provided the inspiration I needed. I just took it a step further and decided to add their handwritten names.

I used regular craft paint to make my kids' hands.

After letting them dry overnight I let them write their own names on the square using a washable fabric marker. I used that as my guide to embroider their names.

I love how each child's name is different and unique to them. My 4 year old is just learning to spell his name and identify each letter, the 7 year old thinks she cool because she knows how to write her name in cursive even though she's only a first grader, and I'm sure my oldest "signature" will change over time.

My squares are 12" (30.5 cm). I used a 2" (5.1 cm) sashing and a 2" (5.1 cm) border. (measurements before sewing)

I added these little tabs to the back for hanging. I found the backing fabric at JoAnn's. I scored on the AH Diamond Eye which I also found at JoAnn's~used my 50% off coupon!

Seems RubyEllen was ahead of her time, because just this month when I got my Country Living Magazine this page was in it. (The Country Living inspiration can be found here.)

Here is another great hand print quilt I found made by Kathy. I love this one, too!!
Check out my Family Reunion Quilt made with handprints, also.


  1. Awesome, Em. Where is it going to hang?

  2. I love that idea! I think I might have to borrow it and frame mine instead since I'm quilt-retarded. I know just the perfect place to hang them...

  3. I love this idea! I may have to make my own, too! :) Thanks so much for sharing!


  4. You're going to be more & more happy as the years go by that you did this! You're awesome!

  5. That is such a wonderful idea. And you made it look very stylish too. Great job!

  6. thanks for all the ideas! Awesome! I can sew quilts but I have yet to venture boldly into the clothing arena but you give me inspiration!

  7. My Daughter sent me the link to look at your quilt. I think it is a great idea. EXCEPT for the Paint part. I will have 12 of our 14 grandchildren at the reunion. Not sure how that would work without a MUCHO mess! I have some Marvy Markers from my scrapbook stuff. Would they work instead of the paint? I'm going to try some today and see. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Is that paint washable? I want to make a quilt with handprints or just outlines, but I need something that can be washed. What would be the best thing to use?

  9. I used the craft paint that you find at places like Wal-Mart for 33cents a small bottle. I have wahsed it and it is definitely NOT coming off. The ony thing I've noticed is that if you use a lot of paint it will "crack" over time. So my suggestion is try to use enough to get a good print without glopping it on the fabric.
