Tuesday, May 19, 2009


After signing up for the one a day quilt along at Crazy Mom Quilts I promptly started some other sewing projects and put the quilt along on the back burner. By day 22 I hadn't even started. But I really, really love the look of this quilt, so I pulled out my scraps and did some last minute cramming.

I spent about 3 1/2 hours cutting thru my small scrap stash. I ended up with 48 blocks (I think!). Since it's now day 24 of the quilt along, I'm ahead of the game, right?

On the left are my rows ready to be sewn into finished nine patches~on the right are my squares for the border. There isn't a stitch of fabric left in my 6" square piles. I'm pretty happy about that as some of those fabrics have been in there for a looonng time!

I'm really wanting my quilt to have a true scrap feel so I am not using any duplicate fabrics (other than the border) for any of the 9 patches. I think that will give it a great old feel. I'm also trying not to use too many "designer" prints.


  1. wow! You are way ahead of the game now!! i can not wait to see the progress

  2. Cutting is my least favorite part--good for you for going 3 1/2 hours. I can't wait to see the finished product. I need some ideas on what to do with all of my own scraps!
