Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Lied...

I actually made 10 of these dresses, not seven! (Now you can feel my pain, right?!)

These last 3 are for our new little niece, Ashlee's baby, due in July. Her baby shower was over the weekend, so I'm safe in posting my pictures now. (I also sent her the Purple Quilt she picked out.)
Good Luck, Ashlee! And may your pregnancy be uneventful!


  1. Those teeny ones are so darling!
    I'm going to try at least one for my B. with some of the fabric that I have. I may make hers a top though instead. That is what she really needs.

    I found a "big girl"/mom pattern similar to this style too.

    McCalls 5425 (I bought this one for the bigger girls)
    McCalls 5617 (Hilary Duff pattern)

  2. They are adroable!!! What a nice surprise!! :)

  3. Opps..that was suppose to be from ASHLEE, Jenn was logged in on the blog. :)
