Tuesday, March 3, 2009

B/W Tessellation Change

I've been slowly working on this quilt and completed 4 entire rows and then decided I needed to change one of the prints. I liked this floral print by itself, but once I got it into the quilt it just blended in too much with the adjoining pieces.

I asked hubby what he thought and he agreed. I told him my thoughts about just changing the 2 whirlygigs I didn't like and we both agreed that either a solid white or black wasn't exactly what we were looking for. I also thought about adding something b/w/color but he thought that was goofy. Mind you he is an engineer and so there really isn't any randomness in his life. Everything is orderly and precise. I did have something in mind, but when I went fabric shopping I couldn't find any b/w/color prints that did it for me.

So instead I went with hubby's suggestion of a "zebra print or something". I found these two prints.

Then I took a family vote--as I really didn't have any strong feelings one way or the other. If I had had strong feelings their votes would've counted for nothing, but I still asked their opinions. The zebra print won out--and that was hubby's choice too. I do like that "fingerprint" looking piece and so I'll have to come up with something fun for that too.

So here is the before--the center smaller floral print is the one that we weren't liking too well:

And after with the replacement new print.

I have added another 2 rows and so that just leaves 8 left to sew.
I'll get there slowly, but surely.


  1. I completely agree that it was too blendy-blendy! I love the addittion of the zebra print!

  2. Great choice! I like how it turned out. This will be a very lovely quilt.

  3. love the zebra print! it makes it sorta "POP" now

  4. I agree! But I do like the fingerprint fabric
