Friday, December 5, 2008


The winner of our apron giveaway is......

Congratulations Estherfair. It looks like Baby L is your new best friend. :)

Estherfair said:

"One Christmas we planned cutting down a Christmas tree after work. We told the kids & called ahead, not remembering that it gets dark by 5pm! Luckily the tree farm had flashlights! We spent the next 1/2hr hunting with flashlights for the perfect Christmas tree (not easy!). It ended up being a great memory and quite the adventure.
The kids now look forward to our moonlight tree hunting each Christmas."

***Please email your mailing address to so we can send your apron.

Thanks to everyone who commented. This was so fun for us. We loved, loved, loved hearing your traditions. My particular favorite was posted by Lullabylane who wraps Christmas books and puts them under the tree. And Renae liked it so much she went out and did the same thing for her family! Apparantly, it is already a huge hit with her kids. And we all laughed about TheBakers ugly Christmas sweater party. Another idea I'm seriously considering this year. Too funny!


  1. Thank you so much, it looks like such a beautiful apron! Baby L is my favorite; what a cute way to chose the winner. :)
    I am so happy and I've gotten some great ideas from this blog!

  2. I'm so glad that it is Esther--she has had a hard past year with some major health issues with her youngest. And that apron is so her style. Congrats Esther! You'll be one stylin' babe in the kitchen.
