Sunday, December 21, 2008

Homemade Gift Idea--Snowman Soup

I was under the weather earlier this week and a friend of mine brought me a little "cheer me up" for later. Today we whipped up these little "gifts" so that the kids could take each of their friends at church a present.

Contents to be placed in small ziploc jewelry/craft bag --3 3/4 in. x 5 in. long.

1 Individual Hot chocolate packet
3 Hershey kisses
A small amount of mini marshmallows (or 2 lg. ones if you run out)
1 mini candy cane

Here is what the little tag reads:
Snowman Soup
Was told you’ve been real good this year
Always glad to hear it!
With freezing weather drawing near,
You’ll need to warm the spirit.
So here’s a little Snowman Soup
Complete with stirring stick.
Add hot water, sip it slow.
It’s sure to do the trick.

I printed off 6 labels on an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of cardstock. Fold the label in half and attach with stapler to baggie. All the kids were excited to make them--it was SO EASY and QUICK!! And their friends thought it was great too.

If you don't want to come up with your own tag you can print tags here, or here, or use a completely different tag saying here, or here. There are actually a NUMBER of sites for this cute little gift idea if you google "Snowman Soup". You're sure to find a tag and saying that works for you.


  1. I spent way too much money on chocolate covered oreos (my favorite holiday treat)....this is a lot cheaper. Next year!

  2. I'll definitely be borrowing that idea next year!
