Friday, December 12, 2008

Holiday Postmark Update

Received this e-mail this afternoon from the website,, concerning the not so special holiday postmark from one of their posted cities:

"Thanks for letting me know. I'm sorry you ended up getting a regular postmark. The list on my site came from the official postal service site, but it hasn't been updated for awhile, so they must have stopped offering the special cancellations. I've updated my site so other people won't have the same problem. Thanks again for letting me know, and I hope you have a happy holiday! Lisa"

I'm glad they responded, and got the website updated, but I'm still bugged especially since I received some cards today from friends in my home city area, and from Utah and this is what their postmarks looked like:
At least they got a Happy Holidays, in a fun font, without even trying or thinking about it. AAARRGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! And a Ho! Ho! Ho! to you too!


  1. This website might help you find what you are looking for. They even have samples of some of them. Good luck.
