Thursday, September 4, 2008

National Sewing Month

I was at the fabric store today and there was a poster on the window saying that September is National Sewing Month. There is also a website dedicated to that event. I didn't look at it too much, but considering I am the Sew Girl of this group I should probably put my plug in for sewing.

Here is a quick little message from the National Sewing Organization and I agree wholeheartedly:

"September is a time to celebrate our passion with National Sewing Month, but we know the creative, therapeutic and calming effects of sewing are joys that we can celebrate throughout the entire year."

"Happy sewing!"

So hopefully you can be inspired to try a little (or not so little) sewing project and feel good about your accomplishment.


  1. In honor of national sewing month I am going to complete the project I have been wrap dress I started in March. :)

  2. This part cracked me up: the therapeutic and calming effects of sewing are joys. . .

    I have a sewing machine that was my mom's - it's o*l*d. I had a Home=Ec teacher in Jr. High who took our instructions out of our pattern envelope as she was going to teach us the "right way".

    Now all I can sew is a straight line - sometimes. Theraputic and calming just aren't words I use when sewing. The words I do use can't be used here. LOL

  3. Well, I must say you aren't the only one I've ever heard who had a nasty home ec teacher. (I had one in college). All those women should be lined up and forced to read the instructions and follow them hand, sewing with really dull scissors too.

    Anyway, I recognize that sewing doesn't do the same thing for everyone else that it does for me. For me it truly is my sanity break from everything else.

    Tell your significant other you need a new machine for your bday, anniversary, Christmas, whatever the occasion and it would probably make your sewing life so much happier.

    One of my friends finally got a new machine when her husband decided he wanted a new sail for his sailboat and wanted them to make it themselves. He couldn't stand her old one and complained so much that she was able to buy a new one. Whatever works...

  4. That is hilarious. I can't say it's calming for me either. Swear words pop into my head when the needle breaks, the stitch is a mess...the item doesn't fit and I spent all that time. Aaargh!
