Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Inspiration Board

Another project that was started awhile back for me and recently finished: My Inspiration Board for my sewing room.

I bought this framed magnetic board from my local Roberts Craft store that measures 54" long by 30" high (on the outside edge). They are normally $60, but I used a 50% off coupon and only paid $30.

All I did was paint it black--EASY!
Then I had to get my sweet husband to hang it up for me--HARD!

After months of being propped up against my wall, my sweet husband finally hung it up!
Here it is on my sewing room wall!
I really, REALLY like it!
I am a visual person, so anytime I can see my ideas or inspirations I am a happy girl!

My favorite thing on the board would have to be these awesome magnets Leslie introduced me to. They are from a place called Amazing Magnets. Seriously, they are so cool!

The ones I bought are super tiny! You hardly notice them on the board, which is the main reason I love them. But, boy are they strong! But if you don't like tiny, they sell lots of different shapes and sizes!


  1. I have four of the medium-sized ones. One's red, one's white and two are waiting to be painted for M & B's room. Love them! I wish Michael's would start to carry them since there's no Roberts here. I still need to get some of those magnets.

  2. That is HUGE--but I love it! I can't wait to get mine all finished and hung up.

  3. I don't know about you, but I'm inspired! :)

  4. that is so cool! it looks wonderful and i feel so honored to see my little (i mean your) clutch there!

  5. Here is another great site to order super strong magnets. It is from China so it takes a little longer to get them, but shipping is free.

