Thursday, August 28, 2008

Black Apple Dolls

Here is my favorite version of all the dolls I made. I made four total, but I don't want to post the other ones. They are going to be gifts. I have a few more in the works too so I'll post all of them later.

My review of this doll pattern:
It's the best! I highly recommend it to anyone. So easy and quick (my favorite kind of project). This is a great way to use up your scrap fabric which I think is a huge bonus. I only had to purchase the felt.

I just can't get over her pearl earrings. My favorite part!

I like this one too.
I'm a big fan of the striped legs. One of the other dolls I made has it too (red and white). Looks like tights.

*****And I will be painting faces as soon as I purchase fabric paint.


  1. They are adorable! My favourite is that last one with the denom dress and the yellow stripes! So cute!

  2. Those are just about the cutest dolls ever!

  3. Very cute. I showed M. & B. the dolls and M. thought they were so cute. B. wasn't as convinced about them. But we may have to make some too, unless your gifts are coming our way.

    And I'm not so sure they definitely need faces. They are almost cute without them too.

  4. I kind of thought that too (about not painting the faces). Sometimes it can look real creepy, but I don't think it does on this doll.

  5. Wow I love their scarves!! You did a really nice job on the dollies! I've made 5 of them so far and I give them away as baby girl shower gifts! You can see my best one here:
