Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jean Skirts--longer versions

Taking a cue from Emily we tried the jean skirts mentioned in the July '08 issue of Family Fun magazine. My girls wanted longer skirts than what was shown in the magazine and so we ended up using 2 pairs of jeans per skirt. To get the triangle piece I cut off a leg of another pair of jeans and split it open then used that to place in the skirt. I had to use one leg for the front and the other leg to fill in the back. If you were making this skirt, long version, for an adult I'm sure you would need two pairs of jeans to complete it as well.
I must say that M. wanted hers a little shorter, at the knee, but when she brought me this particular pair of jeans I thought it would be so much more cute in a longer version. I told that we can make a shorter jean skirt out of another pair of jeans. We made hers first and then made a skirt for L.
Love this cargo style made into a skirt.We had a little difference of opinion on whether it looked better to have her tuck in her shirt or not. I like it tucked in and she likes it hanging out.
Detail of back triangle and topstitching.

I left the jeans as long as they were, added the triangle and then adjusted the hem length accordingly. I pressed and hemmed the skirt using denim topstitching thread--which I LOVE!

I did not fabric glue our skirts either. I'm not thrilled about that and I can sew; therefore, I do it. I also used denim topstitching thread on the other seams so that it looks like we bought the skirts this way. That can be more important as your kids get older. However, they both have been thrilled with their skirts. I am pleased with how they've turned out and am debating on trying one for me now as I love a good pair of jeans.


  1. Those long skirts look so wonderful!!! I want to go thrifting for a pair of jeans so I can make one for myself...

  2. I like the cargo pockets on the side.
