Monday, June 23, 2008

Syndee's Sticky Popcorn

Here is a yummy recipe for super easy caramel popcorn. I got this recipe from one of my roommates in college many years ago. It has remained my favorite recipe for gooey caramel popcorn.

2/3 c. popcorn, unpopped
1 1/2 sticks butter (3/4 c. butter)
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 bag of mini marshmallows or about 20 large marshmallows

Pop the popcorn and put in a large bowl. In pan, heat together brown sugar and butter. Stir until melted. Add marshmallows and heat until thoroughly melted. Pour mixture over popped popcorn and stir until mixed. If any remains, store in covered container.

**Sorry I didn't post a picture. We ate is all before I thought of it.


  1. Yum, that is something I definately want to try!!! much butter is in 1½ stick??
    I can figure out the cups....but not the 1½ stick of butter :-)

  2. 1 1/2 sticks butter is equal to 3/4 c. butter. I'll change it on the blog.
