Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Perfect Dress

I got a little sidetracked from starting my second JCrew coat. This is what I have been working on instead. I cannot say enough about how simple, easy, and versatile this pattern is. It really is the perfect dress.

Ok, approximately three years from now we need a wedding invite so baby L can wear her dress. OK, any special event will do. This one is definitely my favorite. I used metallic linen and added the ruffle.

detail view of the button in the back

this is just to show the sheen a little bit better.

because every girl needs a red dress...even little girls

denim version. Aren't the pockets cute?

Stay tuned for more of my OCD adventure. I've got two more in the works. Purple with a jeweled neckline and a Tuxedo version. Can't wait until my baby is three because that is the size of these dresses. I guess she'll already have her church wardrobe.

Simplicity 4927


  1. I check my patterns and this is one that bought along with the aprons last week during Simplicity's 99 Cent Sale! Can't wait to make one for S, too! Better go check my stash and see what I have...

  2. Way cute and way easy...and way easy to embellish if you want too.n

  3. O.K. I don't know why I fat fingered that last message with the "n" at the end. Sorry!

    And you're JCrew fabric is on its way. I hope it works for you. I think it will scrumptious.

  4. I love all your simple little dresses!
