Monday, April 28, 2008

Painted Garden Tools

I got tired of "people" (so far, unnamed) abusing my tools, so I painted the handles of my new tools (on sale, with a rebate from Menards) pink.  This accomplishes 3 things:  1) The boys won't use them - because they are pink, 2) The girls will be more likely to use them, yes - because they are pink, and 3) I'll always know which tools are mine unless someone else paints their tools the exact same color.  

Ideally, you're supposed to use acrylic paint or something, but since I'm cheap & have a plethora of paint, I used what I had - we'll see how long it lasts.  Astute viewers will notice it's B's room color.


  1. Oh, now that is CUTE!!! I hope your tools stay where they belong! :) Or should I say, get USED for what they were intended!

  2. THAT IS ADORABLE! Makes me want to garden

  3. Love it!! My girls would totally get a kick out of it. Then maybe we'd have to paint the boys tools a John Deere green or something.

  4. I did paint the boys' tools royal blue.

  5. I am so trying this at my house.
