Monday, April 14, 2008

More Bag Inspiration!

I think we all subscribe to the "more is better!" theory on projects. When one is good--5 is WAY better! :) We get on a roll and just start cutting and cutting... (Take for instance Leslie's Perfect Dress for L.) So here are some more bags I made this weekend--that I've had cut out FOREVER! I am SO HAPPY that my pile of projects is dwindling! Yea me! Then I can move on to my current "To Do" List!

For my friend Kathy, whom I love, but she carries a pharmaceutical sponsored 'freebie' bag now!! Won't I be happy to see her get rid of that ugly thing! :)

Inside Fabric and Embroidery Detail

My 15 year old babysitter is REALLY wanting me to give her this bag! I'm hoping to get some free babysitting out of her first!

Inside Fabric


  1. Yea, B the babysitter definitely needs to work for that one. Love the inside fabric. Also..."K" bag is very pretty. Looks so Martha-ish

    Go Em! nothing feels better than getting that pile done. I'm working on my own before I will allow myself to buy more fabric...the only way to keep it manageable.

  2. Butterfly bag is extremely cute. You need to go to and download their freebies. (if you have the software to convert them.) They have fonts and designs daily that you can get for free. Another one I visit is

  3. Love them both! Where did you get the butterfly? That is my new picture motto.

  4. Lexanne--- If you dont give that butterfly bag to your babysitter could you please give to me? Please, please, please, please, please,please!
